These are the dogs that we have bred and/or owned over the years. Some of them have passed on, some are just young ones, yet to make their impact on the breed. We are proud of each and every one of them.
"Our" Dogs
-These are the dogs proudly owned or bred by ourselves. One very special one has passed on and the others are lovely dogs that have been part of our breeding program. We our pleased to introduce two new homebred stud dogs, Rogue and Nalu. Both are CHIC certified. Click on their links for more info. We have many more that we are so proud of but if you are looking at our site, it is most likely with interest in one of these.
DC Copley's Red River
GCH Caliah's Freedom to Roam JH, Ch out of the 9-12 puppy class, GCH at 18 months, Group 1 winner at 18 months, BOS at 2019 Western Futurity and field-pointed
Ch. Caliah's Coral Sea Nalu, CD
Ch. Copper Caliah Dream Hi River Lilly JH, Winner of BOW at 2015 ABC Nationals, BOW at 2016 ABC Summer Specialty and field pointed
Ch. Copley Caliah's Up A Crick, field pointed
Ch. Caliah Sanbar's Floating River JH, field pointed
Ch. Caliah Cascadas De La Princess Leia Of Alderan, owned by Rick, Hilllary and Olivia Herrera
Ch. Caliah's Amidala de Naboo JH
GCh. Caliah's Lotus Blossom Falls JHA, owned by David Webb, Shellie Sytsma and Robyn Maynard